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Министерство на околната среда и водите. Управлението на водите в Република България се осъществява на национално и басейново ниво. В България са определени четири района за басейново управление - Дунавски, Черноморски, Източнобеломорски и Западнобеломорски. И са създадени съответно четири басейнови дирекции. Басейновата дирекция се координира, контролира от Министерството на околната среда и .
Ďakujeme, že ste prišli a oslávili s nami narodeniny! Podporte pastvu v chránených územiach. Veža pre dážďovníky na Kramároch. 30012018 - Tlačová správa ku Svetovému Dňu Mokradí, 2. Tlačová správa ku Svetovému Dňu Mokradí, 2. 26012018 - Mokrade pri Vojke ožívajú. 02012018 - Revitalizácia potoka Porec. 22122017 - Revitalizácia nížinných lúk na Apáli už začala. Konský Deň - Príďte sa.
The European Maritime Day 2018 will take place in Burgas, Bulgaria, on 31 May and 1 June. Black Sea NGO Network together with Rethink Plastic Alliance.
Asociatia Romana pentru Educatia Tinerilor. Murdarie, mirosuri urate si gaze toxice. Fie ca le aruncam noi direct, fie ca sunt purtate de apa de ploaie sau rauri, multe din deseurile noastre ajung in mare, distrugand echilibrul ecosistemelor si afectand calitatea apei. Educatia este cheia implicarii tinerilor! Design by AMircea.
Este o asociatie a porturilor interioare romanesti, fara scop lucrativ, denumita Uniunea Porturilor Interioare Romanesti - cu sediul in Galati, str. 34, cod postal 800025. Bine ati venit pe pagina UPIR! Sunteti interesat de activitatea porturilor interioare romanesti? Doriti mai multe informatii? Membra a Federatiei Europene a Porturilor Interioare.
Danube River - Explore and share. The Living Danube Tour stops in Serbia in August. The Living Danube Tour goes around Romania in June. There is more life in one acre of a healthy wetland than there is in one acre of almost any other kind of habitat. The deepest waters of the Black Sea extend to depths of well over two kilometers. Vote for the coolest animal of a Danube island.
ICPDR Secretariat
Alexander Hoebart
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Easy2see is a quality label for better, accessible applications. It offers additive to Web Accessibility Initiative guidelines also features for color-contrast and text-enlargement. More information can be found on www. Welcome to Danube Day 2015! How people use, enjoy and cooperate over the Danube rivers will be directly affected by the events of Danube Day. Join in and help make the decisions that affect your river. Theres a Danube Day celebration near you.
The stakes could hardly be higher. Governments, advocates urge evidence over ideology in the fight to end AIDS. United Nations, New York. Task Force Welcomes the General Statement made by Argentina on behalf of 50 Member States at the High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS.
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Kultur ist ein Begriff, der sowohl in der Alltagssprache als auch in den verschiedensten Wissenschaften benutzt wird, wobei sich die. In meinen länderspezifischen Trainings bereite ich Ihre Teilnehmer auf die Zusammenarbeit mit einem bestimmten Zielland vor. In meiner Tätigkeit als Trainerin, Coach und Beraterin für interku.